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Before School Care Registration

Welcome to our Before School Care program! The Before School Care program provides a safe, fun and nurturing environment for the care of elementary students before school from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM on each school day. The Before School Care Program is a self-supporting program. Participation should be considered a privilege.

By completion of this form, I understand that I am enrolling my student/students in the tuition paid Before School Care program.  I agree to make a reservation for before school care ($10 per day per student) by Friday at 3:00 pm via the week before-care is needed. If we are sufficiently staffed, only last minute non-refundable reservations will be taken the day before care is needed, by 3:00 pm. If my student’s account becomes past due, my student may not attend the program, and I must make other arrangements for before school care.

  • Student's NameMale/FemaleBirth DateGradeTeacher 
  • NameWork Phone NumberHome Phone NumberCell Phone Number 
    ••• ID must be provided at the time of pick up. ***
  • I understand that in the event of an emergency and I cannot be reached that the school will have my child transported to the hospital via the EMS/911 service to receive appropriate treatment. I assume all financial responsibility and will not hold First Baptist Christian School or employees liable for doing what is necessary to treat my child in my absence.

    • If a check is returned from the bank, the check will be charged back to your student's account along with any fees that may be incurred from the bank. If the account becomes delinquent, you will have three days from the date notified by the school to bring the account current. Failure to pay within this time may result in the student being removed from the Before/After School Care program. After two returned checks, only cash or money orders will be accepted for the remainder of the school year.
    • The same behavior expectations apply in BASC as during the regular school day. All FBCS policies in the student handbook apply to BASC. Inappropriate behavior may result in your student's suspension or withdrawal from the program.
    • To ensure the safety and security of all students in BASC, if an emergency occurs that threatens the welfare of a student, a school official will contact the Cobb County Police Department.
    • If school closes for inclement weather or any other reason, BASC will close, too.
    • I also understand that in the event of an emergency and I cannot be reached that the school will have my child transported to the hospital via the EMS/911 service to receive appropriate treatment. I assume all financial responsibility and will not hold First Baptist Christian School or employees liable for doing what is necessary to treat my child in my absence.
  • By signature below, I agree to the terms of this form and understand that it is my responsibility to keep the above information current and accurate.